Thursday, September 3, 2009

Detachment is Complete Poetry in Sahaja Yoga

Many students of Sahaja Yoga Meditation, when are coming to the classes they start asking:

‘Now, what should we wear? What is closer to the idea of a yogi, what is recommended?’

Maybe because of the popularity of Jedi order from ’Star Wars’ or because many sport or spiritual practises are using uniforms or a particular dress code. However, in sahaja yoga we experience a Natural and Spontaneous Connection to this Power of Life that is Universal. This says a lot. Below, in simple words and stories some truths are provided that bring peace and humorous wisdom; also some barriers might be removed - we become citizens of the world.

I remember that when watching recently Star Wars with my family I had realized with amazement the similarity between Yoda’s way of talking and Shri Mataji’s as well how the Force is the Shakti (power) that in Sahaja Yoga is venerated as the doer in creation; and a jedi’s conduct and connection to the force is entirely sahaj! But, with one improvement: no special clothes or lightsaber use nor training are necessary. No exterior compulsion or ’special effects’ are required. The search starts within and the transformation is within.

Shri Mataji:
‘For things now.
Things have no value unless
and until there are emotions behind it’

Submitted by email

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